Sunday, January 10, 2010

Seems pretty obvious that I still haven't put much time or effort into this blogging thing. Life is a little crazy right now...we're moving...again! It's one of those things that I know is necessary but I wish was over already. Marlin and Greta are coming up on Monday to help us get packed up. They are such great people. Of course we don't even have a place to live yet, but when has that ever stopped us from moving forward with a plan. I know something will work out. My true hope is that it will be a place we can settle into for a while and be happy together. I want to live a bit of a boring life for a while. But really, with 5 kids under 6 who am I kidding about the boring life part!

Here goes nothing.

Here goes nothing as I go off the deep end and into the big blog swimming pool! I guess I really wanted a good way to get pictures and tales out to all our loved ones and everyone tells me this is the best way. Who knows if I really get this down I might be able to record some of the funny going's on around here and have an outlet for my thoughts on this crazy life Corey and I are living! Now let's see if I can figure out how to get a photo on here without having to call Marcey for help!  Here we are earlier this year at Ruby Beach...I love this picture. Just need to photoshop me next to Laci and it would make a great Christmas card picture!